Earlier, the location of Gesarling Central School was known as Emirey. The school is about 17 km from Dagapela connected by Dagapela to Lhamoyzingkha Highway. The school was established in 1999 as a community primary school with one teacher and twelve students. Later, the school was renamed as Pemaling Community Primary School. During those times, the school had just a small temporary shed made of plastic roofs and bamboo pillars in the middle of a thick forest. The classrooms were inside the partitioned temporary shed. There were no boarding facilities and the students had to construct their own huts to live. Moreover, there was no electricity, proper drinking water, toilets and health services. The students had to bring rations and other necessities from their homes which were about a day walk from the school. After few years, the school received WFP (World Food Program) support. Although the rations from WFP covered just for breakfast and lunch, it reduced students’ burden since they didn’t had to bring more rations like before. After few years, the school received full support WFP.

In 2007, the school got upgraded to lower secondary school. When the fifth King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck visited the school, the school got its new name as Gesarling LSS. The first batch of class VIII students had graduated in 2008. Today the school caters to seven primary schools from different parts of the dzongkhag and four chiwogs of Gesarling namely Samtengang, Gesarling, Trashithang and Phuensumgang.

The school did not have electricity supply until 2010. After the visit of Dasho Bharat Singh Tamang, the Chief Executive Officer of Bhutan Power Corporation to the school, the whole Gesarling community got electricity. With new facilities, the school has been developing rapidly in all rounds. The school was upgraded to Middle Secondary School in 2013. The first batch of class Xs graduated in 2014.

As of now, the school has three six-unit and one four-unit classroom blocks. The administration block houses principal’s office, general office, store and two staff rooms. Two science laboratory blocks and a multipurpose hall were built in 2013. Moreover, the school has two boys’ hostels and two girls’ hostels with separate toilets. The school also has a standard size football ground and a basketball court for extracurricular activities. There is also one four-unit staff quarter. The existing structures have served every purpose of the school. However, the teachers are still struggling to get a decent living quarter. Most of them live in temporary sheds. Construction of two 120 bedded hostels, dining hall, site development and electrification works are in the process. In 2015, the school became one of the Central  and an Autonomous school in Bhutan